Mauritania: a step forward for SPERI in Port Construction

Category: news

In recent months, SPERI has made significant progress at the port site in Mauritania, underscoring our commitment to delivering high-quality infrastructure. Our recent site visit was a crucial opportunity to oversee the progress of the work and to provide ongoing support to the project management team.

During this visit, our team conducted a series of key activities, including data analysis, drone surveys, and monitoring of the contractor's operations. This integrated approach allowed us to collaborate effectively with the Client, the Contractor, and our partners, strengthening relationships and sharing innovative solutions.

Field meetings were essential for closely observing the state of the work, addressing construction challenges, and developing strategies to overcome them. The synergy among all involved parties ensures the project's safe and efficient progress, aligning with SPERI's standards of excellence.

We look forward to the upcoming month, during which another site visit is scheduled. This visit will include bearing capacity tests on the quay's piles using the "Pile Driving Analyzer" (PDA-tester). This non-invasive electronic instrument will enable us to quickly and accurately assess the piles' bearing capacity, ensuring the structures meet the necessary technical and safety requirements.