Hospitality Observatory

Category: news

Following the success of the "Hospitality Impact" event last March 2024, which brought together key players in the hospitality sector of the city of Rome, from the institutional sphere with Invitalia and the For.Te Fund, to local companies and associations such as HSL Hospitality, Kerr, Terme dei Papi, and Investire SGR, SPERI announced the launch of the Hospitality Observatory. Together with its partners, SPERI has laid the foundations for the creation of a network dedicated to future-oriented hospitality: a meeting place for ideas, experiences, and visions aimed at shaping an increasingly sustainable and digitized sector. Today, hospitality is not just a service but a catalyst for sociality and innovation. Hotels are becoming true dynamic hubs, where technology and sustainability merge to create meaningful experiences for tourists and citizens. In this context, SPERI is committed to continuing the dialogue with all stakeholders in the sector, including Institutions, to define new policies and identify the most effective investment tools and channels to promote sustainable and digital-oriented hospitality.